Award Categories:
- People with Lived Experience of Stroke (PWLE) (made possible with support by March of Dimes Canada): Up to $1,500 (2 available)
- Research Coordinators: Up to $1,500 (5 available)
- Trainees (not receiving funding to attend SPiN): Up to $1,000 (5 available)
- Early Career Researchers: Up to $1,000 (5 available)
Applications must be received by October 10, 2024. Please note we have extended the award application for PWLE to October 17, 2024.
Please note award applications will be reviewed after this date and distributed until all funds are spent. Following the deadline, all applications will be reviewed by the committee and considerations made to ensure the diversity of participants prior to final selections. Diversity considerations include geographic representation, lab representation, and underrepresented minorities, as well as consideration for needs-based requests. Confirmations will be sent shortly thereafter to let you know if you have been accepted.
Additional Notes:
- Travel awards will be up to $1,000 or $1,500 under a reimbursement model. A reimbursement form and receipts will need to be submitted after the conference.
- The Travel awards include complimentary registration to the Congress
- 1 travel award per lab/PI (if applicable)
- Bank transfers / cheque disbursements may take up to 6-8 weeks after the conference.