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Pre-Congress Workshops

There will be multiple pre-Congress workshops in Calgary from November 25-27, 2024 targeted towards Early Career Researchers, Clinical Research Coordinators, People With Lived Experience of stroke (PWLE), Researchers and Trainees.


Conference Workshops

EyeSee After Stroke

Date: November 27, 2024

Time: 12:00 pm – 5:00pm

Location: Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel

Audience: Those with an interest in the areas of vision and stroke.


  • In this workshop, audience members will learn to identify common visual impairments that occur after stroke, evaluate the evidence supporting different approaches to vision rehabilitation post-stroke, and learn how to apply a post-stroke vision screen. Attendees will provide input on an EyeSee After Stroke Referral Pathway for timely referrals for stroke survivors with visual impairments, as well as learn about Alberta advances in research on vision after stroke.

Navigating Modern Clinical Research and Strategic Planning for Early Career Investigators

Date: November 27, 2024

Time: 8:30 am – 5:00pm

Location: Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel

Audience: Early Career Researchers (First academic position within 5 years of completion of their PhD)


  • Engage with senior researchers to gain advice and insights about successful strategies for modern academic medical research
  • Hear from experts in patient engagement and why you should engage early for future success
  • Learn about financial and business strategies for successfully planning for research vision
  • Small group discussions to facilitate mentorship and collaboration

Enhancing Stroke Research Coordination: Advancements, Challenges, Collaborations and Opportunities

Date: November 27, 2024

Time: 9:00 am – 4:00pm

Location: Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel

Audience: Research coordinators across Canada involved in stroke research


  • Share the latest advancements and roadblocks related to running clinical research studies
  • Focused discussions on effective trial management, participant recruitment, and the use of education training modules for stroke clinical trials
  • Opportunities will be available for networking and smaller group discussions

Patient Partners and People with Lived Experience in Action: Meaningful Research Collaborations for Maximum Impact

Date: November 27, 2024

Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm

Location: Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel

Audience: People with Lived Experience (PWLE) of stroke (e.g., patients, caregivers, community partners), and trainees, researchers and research staff interested in stroke research and Patient Engagement


  • De-mystifying clinical research and highlighting the important roles PWLE/Patient Partners play
  • Explore the ways PWLE/Patient Partners can be involved on the research team across the research continuum including the identification of research questions, reviewing grant applications, aiding in the implementation of research findings, and advocacy for Patient Oriented Research
  • Promote the awareness of PWLE/Patient Partnership opportunities in research
  • Networking between PWLE/Patient Partners and researchers, healthcare professionals, and trainees will be encouraged to foster research collaborations

This workshop will increase capacity for people seeking to become involved in several stages of research and building stroke collaborations between patient partners and researchers, and build capacity for people with lived experience to play active roles across the knowledge to action cycle.

Innovations in Translational Stroke Research

Date: November 25-26, 2024

Location: Foothills Medical Centre and Alberta Children’s Hospital

Audience: Graduate students and research or clinical fellows at Canadian Institutions in the field of stroke or Vascular Cognitive Impairment


  • Tour labs and interact with scientists in pre-clinical and clinical research
  • Learn about new technologies and research skills from leading experts
  • Hands on experience with neurotechnologies and neuroimaging
  • Workshops on clinical trial design and patient engagement

Download Flyer Here


The SPiN Workshop is open to all trainees interested in stroke and vascular cognitive impairment research. You must be a trainee to qualify.

If interested, trainees must apply to attend SPiN at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SPiN2024APPLY which is separate from the Congress or other workshop registrations.

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