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Individual oral and poster submissions

The call for abstracts is now closed. Acceptance notifications have been sent to all presenters.

Abstracts will be published in the December issue of the International Journal of Stroke.


Call for Abstracts

The Canadian Stroke Congress brings together researchers, clinicians, trainees, support teams, and People With Lived Experience (PWLE) in all facets of stroke and stroke research.  

We are inviting submissions covering a wide range of stroke topics, including 8 categories:

  • preclinical and mechanistic studies, 
  • clinical & intervention studies, 
  • population health, 
  • quality improvement, 
  • data science and technology, 
  • health systems, 
  • PWLE, family and community involvement, and 
  • education.

To submit a proposal, please read and adhere to the submission guidelines below and submit via the online submission portal.  You may be required to create an account if you do not have one already.  It is recommended that submitters do not wait until the last day to submit and that submitters ensure they have access in advance.  Submitters are able to start their submission and leave it in draft mode before submitting to ensure access.

Submission Directions

  • Prepare to answer the following:
    • Your contact name, affiliation/institution name and email address
    • Title of the submission (max 255 characters).  Please use sentence case only for the title (capitalize the first letter of the title and lower case for all other letters unless required) and do not include a period (.) at the end of the title.
    • Desired presentation format (Oral and Poster, or Poster Only) – Highest ranked submissions will be invited to present orally in addition to their poster.
    • A structured abstract that includes with headings: background, methodology, results and conclusion (max 3000 characters).
      • Background: This section should briefly describe relevant background information and the purpose of the study.
      • Methods: This section should briefly describe what research was done, how it was completed and who was involved.
      • Results: This section should describe what findings resulted from the study with relevant details (e.g., statistics), as appropriate.
      • Conclusion: This section should briefly summarize the implications of the results and why it is important.
    • The names, affiliation/institution name, and email address for each of the corresponding authors
    • Name of the presenting author
    • Status of the presenting author (e.g., trainee, clinician, PWLE)
    • Submission theme(s) that best matches your research (choose one)
  • The submitting author will be asked to confirm that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and agree to its submission as submitted; and that all authors consent to publications of the submitted abstract related to the Canadian Stroke Congress 2024 (e.g., on website, program materials, etc.); and that all authors consent to the publication of the abstract in a scientific journal (if publication of the abstracts is approved). 

Please note, presenting authors must be registered participants and all abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.

In order to submit an abstract, you will need to create an account with the new Conference Manager system.  You may already have an account if you have attended or are a member of CAN, NCM, ISPGR or other societies that use the system since 2023.  If you had a user account in the old version of Conference Manager, you may need to create a new account or reset your password. 

 If you have difficulties with access, please contact us at CANStroke@podiumconferences.com

It is recommended that submitters do not wait until the last day to submit and that submitters ensure they have access in advance.