Prof. Friedhelm Hummel, MD, is a trained neurologist and translational neuroscientist, with more than 20 years of experience in clinical neurology, neuroscience and neuroengineering.
Since 2016, he is Full-Professor at the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and Director of the Defitech Chair of Clinical Neuroengineering in the Neuro-X Institute (INX), and Adjunct Professor at the University Hospital Geneva (HUG).
Scientific interests are in the development of neurotechnologies to enhance human behavior with a strong translational focus. He pioneered e.g., the application of non-invasive brain stimulation to enhance stroke recovery (Hummel et al. 2005, Hummel & Cohen 2006). Further interests lie in the understanding of motor and cognitive behavior during healthy aging and after stroke, traumatic brain injury or dementia using multimodal systems neuroscience and in neuro-technology as innovative interventional strategies to enhance impaired behavior, adaptation to and recovery from neurological and mental disorders. Currently, he pioneered the human application of a disruptive non-invasive deep brain stimulation method and demonstrated first successful human proof-of-concept (Wessel et al. 2023; Vassiliadis et al. 2024; Beanato et al. 2024; Hummel & Wessel 2024).