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Dr. PJ Deveraux

McMaster University

Dr. Devereaux is a cardiologist, perioperative care physician, and clinical epidemiologist. He is the Director of the Division of Perioperative Care at McMaster University. He is a Senior Scientist and the Scientific Leader of the Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine, and Surgical Research Group at the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI). He is the Nominated Principal Applicant of the Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Consortium, which is the Pan-Canadian Clinical Trials Consortium funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). He also holds a Tier 1 Canadian Research Chair in Perioperative Medicine.

Dr. Devereaux is a full Professor at McMaster University. He is the President of the Society of Perioperative Research and Care. Dr. Devereaux has published >450 peer reviewed papers and >90 book chapters, editorials, and commentaries, including 17 in the New England Journal of Medicine, 13 in the Lancet, and 11 in JAMA. He has an h-index of 122. He has given >1000 lectures and research presentations in 41 countries. Dr. Devereaux’s research program focuses on major vascular complications during and after surgery. He has led many large international randomized trials and prospective cohort studies focused on major perioperative vascular complications.