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Speakers 3


Dr. Ada Tang

McMaster University

Ada Tang is a physical therapist, Professor and Assistant Dean (Rehabilitation Science) at McMaster University. Dr Tang worked for many years in adult stroke and acquired brain injury rehabilitation at Toronto Rehab and she…

Dr. Adam Kirton

University of Calgary Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute

Dr. Kirton is Professor of Pediatrics and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary and an attending Pediatric Neurologist at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. He holds the Dr. Robert Haslam Chair in Pediatric Neurology.…

Dr. Allan Garland

University of Manitoba

Allan Garland is Professor in the departments of Internal Medicine and Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba, and an Adjunct Scientist at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. He received a B.S.…

Dr. Amy Yu

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Ana Klahr

University of Alberta

Dr. Ana Klahr is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Mental Health at the Augustana Faculty, University of Alberta. An early career researcher, she is a member of the Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute…

Dr. Andrew Demchuk

University of Calgary

Dr. Andrew Demchuk is a Professor in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences for the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary. He is also a stroke neurologist and Director of the Calgary Stroke Program.…

Dr. Anna Zumbansen

University of Ottawa

Anna Zumbansen is Professor at the University of Ottawa, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, and Associate Director of the Music and Health research Institute, where she leads the research initiative on the practices and effects…

Dr. Annie LeBlanc

Laval University


Dr. Annie Rochette

Université de Montréal Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal

Annie Rochette is an occupational therapist and a full professor at the School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, and regular researcher at CRIR, the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du…

Dr. Aristeidis Katsanos

McMaster University

Aristeidis obtained his Medical Degree from the University of Ioannina, School of Medicine, Ioannina, Greece in July 2011, and completed his training in Neurology (2014-2018) at the University of Ioannina and at the National…

Dr. Bijoy Menon

University of Calgary

University of Calgary

Dr. Bradley MacIntosh

Sunnybrook Research Institute

Bradley MacIntosh is a Senior Scientist at Sunnybrook Research Institute, Hurvitz Brain Sciences Research Program, Physical Sciences Platform, and Professor in the Department of Medical Biophysics at the University of Toronto. MacIntosh holds affiliations at…

Dr. Brodie Sakakibara

The University of British Columbia

Brodie Sakakibara is Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of British Columbia, and Investigator at the Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management. He is also…

Dr. Carlos Molina

Vall d’Hebron Research Institute Vall d’Hebron University Hospital

Dr. Cary Fan

University Health Network

University Health Network

Dr. Catherine Mercier

Laval University

Pr. Mercier received a B.Sc. in Occupational therapy and a Ph.D. in Biomedical sciences (Rehabilitation) from University of Montreal. She completed her postdoctoral training at the Institute for Cognitive Sciences in Lyon, France. She…

Dr. Catriona Steele

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network

Catriona M. Steele is a clinician scientist working in the area of swallowing and swallowing disorders. She has a background as a medical speech-language pathologist, and is Director of the Swallowing Rehabilitation Research Laboratory…

Dr. Christoph Guger

g.tec medical engineering GmbH

Guger Christoph studied electrical and biomedical engineering at the University of Technology Graz in Austria and Johns Hopkins University in the USA and received his PhD in 1999. In 1999 he started the company…

Dr. Courtney Pollock

University British Columbia

University British Columbia

Dr. Dale Corbett

University of Ottawa

Dr. Dale Corbett is Professor of Neurosciences (Emeritus) in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Corbett obtained his PhD in psychology from Concordia University followed by post-doctoral…

Dr. Dawn Richards

Clinical Trials Ontario Five02 Labs Inc.

With a PhD (Analytical Chemistry, 2000) from the University of Alberta, Dawn has worked in a variety of roles, however her diagnosis with rheumatoid arthritis nearly 20 years ago led her on a journey…

Dr. Doug Cook

Queen’s University

Dr. Doug Munoz

Queen’s University

Doug Munoz is a Professor in Biomedical and Molecular Sciences and Director of the Centre for Neuroscience Studies at Queen’s University. He is also a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (2021)…

Dr. Elizabeth Inness

KITE Research Institute, University Health Network

Liz Inness is a physical therapist with expertise in neurorehabilitation, an Affiliate Scientist with the KITE Research Institute, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network (Toronto Rehab – UHN), and an Assistant Professor (status-only) within…

Dr. Eric Smith

University of Calgary

Dr. Eric Smith is Professor of Neurology, Radiology, and Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary, and the holder of the endowed Katthy Taylor Chair in Vascular Dementia. He is the Medical Director…

Dr. Esther Kim

University of Alberta

University of Alberta

Dr. Fiona Rowe

The University of Liverpool

Prof. Fiona Rowe qualified as an Orthoptist in 1990 and has maintained combined clinical and academic research activity since then. She is Professor of orthoptics at the University of Liverpool, and Director for the…

Dr. Friedhelm Hummel

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Prof. Friedhelm Hummel, MD, is a trained neurologist and translational neuroscientist, with more than 20 years of experience in clinical neurology, neuroscience and neuroengineering. Since 2016, he is Full-Professor at the Swiss Institute of…

Dr. Gregory Bix

Tulane School of Medicine

Prof. Gregory Bix, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.H.A., a physician scientist, is the Director of the Clinical Neuroscience Research Center, the Vada Odom Reynolds Chair in Stroke Research, and Professor and Vice Chair of Clinical and…

Dr. Hillel Finestone

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute University of Ottawa

Dr. Hillel Finestone is a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, or physiatrist. He graduated from McGill Medical School and received Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialty training at the Universities of Ottawa and Michigan.…

Dr. Jennifer Yao

The University of British Columbia GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre

Dr. Jennifer Yao is a Clinical Associate Professor and Head of the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of British Columbia. She is an active staff physiatrist, consultant and previous Medical…

Dr. Jodi Edwards (co-chair)

University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Lead Principal Investigator, StrokeCog Clinical Trials Training Platform

University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Lead Principal Investigator, StrokeCog Clinical Trials Training Platform

Dr. Joran Lee

University of Calgary

Dr. Jordan Lee is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Calgary, supervised by Dr. Aaron Phillips. Dr. Lee’s expertise is in sympathetic control of cardiovascular function. He is currently studying the long-term effects…

Dr. Kara Patterson

University of Toronto University Health Network

Dr. Kara Patterson is a physiotherapist, an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Toronto, and a Senior Scientist at the KITE-Rehabilitation Research Institute. She leads the RELEARN lab…

Dr. Karine Marcotte

Université de Montréal

Karine Marcotte holds a master's degree in speech language pathology and audiology from the University of Montreal and has been a member of the Order of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists of Quebec since 2002.…

Dr. Kit Beyer

University of Waterloo

Dr. Lara Boyd

University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia

Dr. Le-Anne Greer

Prince Edward Island (Queen Elizabeth Hospital)

Dr. Lee-Anne Greer is a psychologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown, PEI. She has worked with individuals who have experienced stroke for over 20 years, and has been with the PEI Organized…

Dr. Lisa Sheehy

 Bruyère Research Institute

 Bruyère Research Institute

Dr. Marika Demers

Université de Montréal

Dr. Marika Demers is an assistant professor in the School of Rehabilitation, at the Université de Montréal and an emerging researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal. She is…

Dr. Mark Bayley

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network

Dr. Mark Boulos

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Mark Boulos is a Stroke & Sleep Neurologist and Associate Professor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the University of Toronto. Dr. Boulos serves as Medical Lead for the Sunnybrook Sleep Laboratory and…

Dr. Marta Rubiera

Vall d’Hebron Research Institute Vall d’Hebron University Hospital

Since I finished my Neurology residency in 2005, I've been involved in the management of acute stroke patients, first as a member and then as clinical coordinator of the Vall d'Hebron Stroke Unit, which…

Dr. Mayank Goyal

University of Calgary

Mayank Goyal is a Professor in the Department of Radiology and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary. He also holds the Heart and Stroke Foundation Chair in Stroke Research. Dr. Goyal’s passion and…

Dr. Michael Hill

University of Calgary

Dr. Michelle Ploughman

Memorial University

Michelle Ploughman is Professor of Medicine at Memorial University, St. John’s NL Canada and Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Rehabilitation, Neuroplasticity and Brain Recovery. Dr. Ploughman’s expertise ranges from measuring the effects of…

Dr. Moira Kapral

University of Toronto

Dr. Kapral is recognized and respected for her greatly impactful efforts in setting a high standard for research excellence, beginning with work on the Canadian Stroke Registry and evolving into careful evaluation of inequities…

Dr. Monica Taljaard

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute University of Ottawa

Monica Taljaard is a Senior Scientist in the Methodological and Implementation Research Program at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) and Full Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University…

Dr. Numa Dancause

Université de Montrèal

Numa Dancause Bsc(PT), PhD, is Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Neurosciences of the UdeM; research axis director of the Fonds de Recherche du Quebec – Santé Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur…

Dr. Patrice Lindsay

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

Dr. Paul Albert

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Dr. Paul R. Albert obtained his Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Harvard (1985) and did post-doctoral studies with Drs. Herbert and Civelli (Vollum Institute, Portland OR), where he cloned several dopamine and serotonin receptor genes.…

Dr. Paul Mackie

The University of British Columbia

Dr. Paul Mackie is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia and is funded by the Michael Smith Health Research BC (Canada). He has a PhD in Physiotherapy (Australia) and a…

Dr. PJ Deveraux

McMaster University

Dr. Devereaux is a cardiologist, perioperative care physician, and clinical epidemiologist. He is the Director of the Division of Perioperative Care at McMaster University. He is a Senior Scientist and the Scientific Leader of…

Dr. Richard Swartz

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Robert Teasell

Western University Parkwood Institute Lawson Health Research Institute

Dr. Russ Greiner

University of Alberta

After earning a PhD from Stanford, Russ Greiner worked in both academic and industrial research before settling at the University of Alberta, where he is now a Professor in Computing Science (Adjunct in Psychiatry)…

Dr. Ryan Zarychanski

University of Manitoba

Dr. Sandra Billinger

University of Kansas Medical Center

Dr. Sandra Billinger, PT, PhD, is Professor, Vice Chair, Stroke Translational Research; Assistant Director, Neuroimaging Core, KU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center; and co-PI and co-Director of an NIH-funded T32 Brain Health Training Program at…

Dr. Sandra Black

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Sandra E Black, O.C., O.Ont., Hon.DSc., MD, FRCP(C), FRSC, FANA, FAHA, FAAN, is a Professor of Medicine (Neurology Division) at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, and is an internationally known cognitive and…

Dr. Sean Dukelow (co-chair)

University of Calgary, Lead Principal Investigator, CanStroke Recovery Clinical Trials Platform

University of Calgary, Lead Principal Investigator, CanStroke Recovery Clinical Trials Platform

Dr. Shawn Whitehead

Western University Lawson Health Research Institute

Dr. Whitehead is the Director of the Western Institute for Neuroscience, and a Professor in the Dept. Anatomy and Cell Biology at Western University. He is s a neuroscientist with expertise in multi-modal imaging,…

Dr. Stephanie Plamondon

University of Calgary Hotchkiss Brain Institute

Stephanie Plamondon, MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EMG) is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education, and is a former…

Dr. Sue Peters

Western University

Dr. Peters is an Assistant Professor in the School of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, at Western University. Her research aims to improve mobility outcomes and quality of life for people after stroke.…

Dr. Swati Mehta

Parkwood Institute Research Lawson Research Institute Western University

Swati Mehta PhD, is a Scientist at Parkwood Institute Research, Lawson Research Institute, an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Western University and a registered Psychotherapist. Dr. Mehta…

Dr. Thalia Field

University of British Columbia

Dr. Thalia Field is a stroke neurologist and clinician-researcher at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, where she is an Associate Professor and holds a Sauder Family/Heart and Stroke Professorship of Stroke…

Mr. Farrell Leibovitch

CanStroke & StrokeCog Platforms

CanStroke & StrokeCog Platforms

Mr. Kevin Lindland

Alberta Health Services

Kevin Lindland, MSc, R.SLP, S-LP(C), is the speech-language pathology professional practice lead for Alberta Health Services (AHS) in the Calgary zone. He has more than 25 years of clinical experience with a focus on…

Ms. Andrea Pearce

Alberta Health Services

Alberta Health Services

Ms. Carolyn Knoechel

Alberta Health Services

Carolyn Knoechel is a speech-language pathologist working with the Alberta Health Services (AHS) Calgary Early Supported Discharge Team for stroke, brain injury and spinal cord injury. Having worked in a variety of adult neurological…

Ms. Erin McHattie

Accreditation Canada

Erin joined Accreditation Canada in May 2022 as the Lead for the Distinction and Recognition programs after 22 years working in Ontario healthcare. A Registered Kinesiologist by background, Erin spent most of her clinical…

Ms. Franziska Hildesheim

McGill University

McGill University

Ms. Holly Vogel

CanStroke Platform

CanStroke Platform

Ms. Jennifer Monaghan

Patient Partner

She was only 43 when, without any risk factors or symptoms, Jennifer Monaghan’s stroke and discovery of cardiomyopathy happened. After relearning her ABC’s and 123’s as well as regaining use of her right side,…

Ms. Jesse Dollimont

Jesse Dollimont MTA, NMT has been practicing music therapy in Alberta since 2017. She has recently stepped into a new role as a music therapist in the elementary education program at Renfrew Educational Services…

Ms. Karen Truong

Sunnybrook and CanStroke & StrokeCog Platforms

Sunnybrook and CanStroke & StrokeCog Platforms

Ms. Olga Yaroslavtseva

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute– University Health Network and CanStroke Platform

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute– University Health Network and CanStroke Platform

Sandie and Larry Varcoe

Nieboer Award Winners

Sandie and Larry Varcoe have been named the Louise and Frank Nieboer Lecturers for 2024. Sandie experienced a stroke many years ago and Larry is her husband of nearly 57 years, and main caregiver.…